Friday, November 30, 2018

How 360 degree appraisal method is benefited to employees and the company.

In management we talk about a concept called 9 M's- that, Man, Money, Material, Machines Methods, Market, Minutes, Motivation and Measurement. Every company in the world are using above-mentioned resources to achieve their goals and objectives. Out of all these resources, Human /Man resources are playing a key role each and every company. Without Human resource, no company can survive and achieve their goals and objectives. 
Human Resources can be simply defined as managing the human resources of the company to achieve goals and objectives.

Human resource management (HRM)is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's most valued assets the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the objectives of the business. (Armstrong, 2006)

Beer et al (1984) defined HRM as involving all those management decision and actions that affect the nature of the relationship between the organization and the employee.

HRM is a distinctive approach to employment management which seek to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of the highly committed and capable workforce, using an array of cultural structural and personnel techniques (storey, 1995).

Under the HRM  we can identify key HR function like recruitment, selection, hiring, induction, performance appraisal, manpower planning, employee movement, welfare administration, disciplinary administration etc. Every company success depends on the quality of the workforce and we have to take so many actions to retained and develop the workforce in the company. Out of all those HR functions, performance appraisal is one of most impotent function that will help to maintain a quality workforce.

Performance Management and performance appraisal

Performance management is a strategic and integrated approach to delivering sustained success to the organization by improving the performance of the people who work in them and by developing the capabilities of teams and individual contributors.(Armstrong and Baron ,1998)

According to the Vijay and Jaya Chitra (2000)mentioned performance management is building performance appraisal by adding the related communication and action on the progress achieved against determined goals.

Performance management can be instinct as an ongoing process of improving the individual, team and organizational performance (Bussim,2012). Performance appraisal is one of the parts of PMS it helps to measure individuals' performance in an organized manner.

According to the Vijay and jayathithra (2000) mentioned performance appraisal as the process of evaluating determined goals.

Performance appraisal methods

Basically, performance appraisal methods can be divided into two parts:

  1. Traditional Methods of performance appraisal: This is the older methods of performance appraisal used by the companies  two to three decades ago .traditional PA system can be summarized as follows;
  • Ranking methods: Base of traits of the particular employees raking he or she best to worst.
  • Graphics rating scale: A scale that consists with a number of traits and range of performance.
  • Critical incident: Keeping a record of employees work-related behaviour and take this consideration at the annual performance appraisal.
  • Narrative essays: Evaluator    write about employees strength, weaknesses and suggestion
      2.Modern methods of performance appraisal: This has developed taking consideration of the shortcoming of the traditional methods. There are several modern PA methods like;
  • Management by objective: Setting challenging and achievable objective promote motivation and empowerment of employees.
  •  Assessment centre: This method consists of group discussion, exercises and interviewing of the relevant employees.
  • 360 Performance Appraisal: evaluate employees by considering internal sources and external sources. 
  • 720 Performance appraisal: After the 360 appraisal boss is sit down with the employees again on a second time give him to feedback and explain how to achieve a given target. 
360-degree appraisal method

This method is one of the modern performance appraisal method used by companies to evaluate their employees. Normally its called multi-rater feedback or multi-source assessment. Considering with the other appraisal method 360 getting feedback from employees, subordinates, peers and supervisors as well as self-evaluation. Not only that  360 get feedback from external parties such as suppliers. Nowadays this methods has developed up to 720-degree level.

In traditional and earlier methods of the PA system feedback from the employees totally depend on the evaluator /boss. this system was full of bias, but 360  feedback system was free of bias that's why it was popular all over the world.
According to Waldman and Atwater (1998), the process in which subordinates, peers, bosses or customer provide anonymous feedback to the recipient has grown during the past decade.360 feedback system processes employees can get confidential feedback from his or her subordinates and other people around them.from this feedback employee will be able to identify their weaknesses and set self-development goals that will help for his career enhancement and personal development. 

Pros of 360   
  • Performance improvement: since feedback comes from various different sources like subordinates, peers and customers that will help to identify employees weaknesses and take necessary action to overcome weaknesses.
  • Increase consistency in the performance: employees always think how others think about them then it will help to perform consistency.
  • Help to maintain good relationship with all the people around them: as we know 360 getting information from all the sources that will help to make good relationship with others.
  • Help to achieve company goals and objectives: First employees try to achieve their department goal and that will ultimately help to achieve company goals.
  • Decision making: we can take almost correct decision because information are gathering from various internal and external sources.
  • Enhance of the employee morale and self-confident.
  • Help to enhance good customer relationship.
  • HR decision making is easier 
  • Accurate and more reliable and free of bias   
Cons of 360 

  • Take more time for the process and it will cause excessive cost.
  • If the feedback is not good moral and self-esteem of the employees will be damaged
  •  Using the same parameters for all the employees.
  • Sometimes feedback might not be accurate.
  • More focus on the weakness of the employees.
  • some situation it may create a negative culture within the company.
This is not a best appraisal method but comparing with traditional appraisal methods we can rely on 360-degree feedback.  comparing with disadvantages it has more advantages to employees as well as the company.


  1.Available at[Accessed: 30 November,2018].
  2.Available at[Accessed: 30 November,2018]

Monday, November 12, 2018

Traditional recruitment method vs modern recruitment methods
In the past, recruiting was often a reactive process firm engaged in periodically when a  position needed to be filled. Today, however, more companies see the recruiting function as a strategic imperative and, therefore, an ongoing process.(George & Scott,2013)

What is recruitment? recruitment can be simply defined as attracting suitably qualified employees the right time in the right position. According to the Yolder D, et al( 1972 )recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force.
Recruitment is a not easy task because the success of every company depends on the quality and talent of the human resources and that's why every human resources manager use different type of recruitment methods.comparing  all the recruitment methods  which are practice by the HR managers it can be divided basically two parts like traditional  recruitment methods and modern recruitment methods.

  1. Traditional recruitment methods
Traditional recruitment method is recruiting employees using newspaper advertisement and face to face interviews rather than using modern recruitment methods. Most of the HR managers still prefer to face to face interview when recruiting new employees to the company. Traditional recruitment methods can be categorized as a local paper advertisement, local employment office postings, temporary job agencies, internal hiring and hiring using internal contacts.

  • Paper advertisement: This is the most effective and simple recruitment method, print recruitment ads that run in local or national daily or weekend news publications.this method is more affordable and will reach message to more customers.
  • Local employment office posting: It means posting a job advertisement at the local unemployment offices in the country and every level of people can easily look at the advertisement.
  • Job agencies: These agencies are helping to employers to find out suitable employees without any trouble.
  • Internal Hiring: Employees are recruiting from the existing workforce.
  • Internal contacts: Recruiting employees from the Outside using existing employees contacts.for example friends, relatives etc
      2. The modern recruitment methods:

Modern recruitment methods are using by employers to overcome traditional recruitment issues. Because of the technological development, modern recruitment methods came to the world and that will help to find out talented candidates to the organizations. for examples, social media websites like linked in, Facebook, and Twitter have good communities and easily a candidate can share his details with the company to find out the suitable job. Apart from that, there are another so many modern recruitment methods used by the HR professionals to find suitable talented employees to the company.
  • Online recruitment: Recruiting employees using job websites like top jobs etc. In addition to that many companies are using the internet as a source of modern recruitment methods.Most of the companies have their own website and candidate can easily fill online job application and submit it to the company database.   
  • scouting: Sending company representatives various places like university or institution give some details about vacancies.
  • Whats up network:   Publish vacancies details in the whats up group.
  • Networking: This method is using by most of the HR professional using their past experience and relationship having with their colleagues.
  • Event recruiting:  Sponsoring event from the company account where the candidate whom we are looking to recruit for the company.
  • Re-recruiting: Some qualified experience employees will be left from the company because of the location change and big salary. Let them know that they are welcome back. Company not need to train them again and can save training cost.

1.Available at[Accessed:11November,2018].