Monday, November 12, 2018

Traditional recruitment method vs modern recruitment methods
In the past, recruiting was often a reactive process firm engaged in periodically when a  position needed to be filled. Today, however, more companies see the recruiting function as a strategic imperative and, therefore, an ongoing process.(George & Scott,2013)

What is recruitment? recruitment can be simply defined as attracting suitably qualified employees the right time in the right position. According to the Yolder D, et al( 1972 )recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force.
Recruitment is a not easy task because the success of every company depends on the quality and talent of the human resources and that's why every human resources manager use different type of recruitment methods.comparing  all the recruitment methods  which are practice by the HR managers it can be divided basically two parts like traditional  recruitment methods and modern recruitment methods.

  1. Traditional recruitment methods
Traditional recruitment method is recruiting employees using newspaper advertisement and face to face interviews rather than using modern recruitment methods. Most of the HR managers still prefer to face to face interview when recruiting new employees to the company. Traditional recruitment methods can be categorized as a local paper advertisement, local employment office postings, temporary job agencies, internal hiring and hiring using internal contacts.

  • Paper advertisement: This is the most effective and simple recruitment method, print recruitment ads that run in local or national daily or weekend news publications.this method is more affordable and will reach message to more customers.
  • Local employment office posting: It means posting a job advertisement at the local unemployment offices in the country and every level of people can easily look at the advertisement.
  • Job agencies: These agencies are helping to employers to find out suitable employees without any trouble.
  • Internal Hiring: Employees are recruiting from the existing workforce.
  • Internal contacts: Recruiting employees from the Outside using existing employees contacts.for example friends, relatives etc
      2. The modern recruitment methods:

Modern recruitment methods are using by employers to overcome traditional recruitment issues. Because of the technological development, modern recruitment methods came to the world and that will help to find out talented candidates to the organizations. for examples, social media websites like linked in, Facebook, and Twitter have good communities and easily a candidate can share his details with the company to find out the suitable job. Apart from that, there are another so many modern recruitment methods used by the HR professionals to find suitable talented employees to the company.
  • Online recruitment: Recruiting employees using job websites like top jobs etc. In addition to that many companies are using the internet as a source of modern recruitment methods.Most of the companies have their own website and candidate can easily fill online job application and submit it to the company database.   
  • scouting: Sending company representatives various places like university or institution give some details about vacancies.
  • Whats up network:   Publish vacancies details in the whats up group.
  • Networking: This method is using by most of the HR professional using their past experience and relationship having with their colleagues.
  • Event recruiting:  Sponsoring event from the company account where the candidate whom we are looking to recruit for the company.
  • Re-recruiting: Some qualified experience employees will be left from the company because of the location change and big salary. Let them know that they are welcome back. Company not need to train them again and can save training cost.

1.Available at[Accessed:11November,2018].