Friday, January 4, 2019

What is Change Management?
Change management can be simply defined by the managing changes within the organization. Change of the organization can be identified in several fields like organization strategies, organizational structures, policies and procedures and technological changes etc. Every organization should have to adopt changes if not they cannot be survived in the business world. 

There are so many real examples of the change management that has effect for the organization. For example a few decades ago Nokia was the best selling mobile phone brand in the world.B ut Nokia decline accelerates by 2011and is acquired by Microsoft in 2013. When explaining Nokia's fall many observed forward three reasons. Nokia technology was inferior to apples, the arrogance about the top level managers and lack of vision. At that time Android OS was introduced to the market and most of the phone manufacturers had purchased it. Finally, it was very successful within the short period of time and Nokia had lost there market share.

Definition of change management

Change management has been defined as ‘the process of continually renewing an organization’s direction, structure, and capabilities to serve the ever-changing needs of external and internal customers’ (Moran and Brightman, 2001: 111). According to Burnes (2004), change is an ever-present feature of organisational life, both at an operational and strategic level. Therefore, there should be no doubt regarding the importance to any organisation of its ability to identify where it needs to be in the future, and how to manage the changes required getting there. Consequently, organisational change cannot be separated from organisational strategy, or vice versa (Burnes, 2004; Rieley and Clarkson,2001). Due to the importance of organisational change, its management is becoming a highly required managerial skill (Senior, 2002). 

Models of change management

Up to now, there are so many changed management models have been developed by the last couple of year by various authors. According to one of the famous author called John P.Kotter has developed 8 steps of the changed management model.

Source: Adapted from Kotter 1996

 Different type of change events

All the organization are dealing with a lot of changes event and face different type of changing situation.Organization should have ability to manage and face any changes without affecting to the organization. Success of the organization directly depends on how they face changing events.
There are different type of change events. These include;

  • Changes in capacity/Size /Open a new market:If the company has received new orders or new market there will be need to change the way of business doing. because of increasing, the capacity company should have to think about manpower, structural changes, and additional infrastructures.
  • Changes in key positions: This is the common changes that happened every organization .if the key position change it will affect organization. For example, change in production manager will effect for production team dynamics. In addition to that change in key position of the company have risk of losing company knowledge and secret.
  • Technological changes: This is very important for every organization. technology is changing very rapidly every year and there will be a need to update with new technology. Have to bring new machinery and train their employees are necessary for dealing with technological changes.
  • Social and legal compliance changes: Ogranization should run their business according to social and legal compliance changes.


Change is s common function that affects all the organization in the world.Every company should have to adopt any changes that will affect the organization. If not they will not be able to survive. So many authors have defined in the term of change in a different way. And also they have given so many change model what we can practically use.There are different type of change event we can identify in modern world for example changes in capacity, changes in key positions, changes in technology and changes in social and legal compliance etc.


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Ethics and Human Resource Management

Human resource management and ethics are the interrelated variables that affect the organization and its performance.  As we know Human resource management is the most valuable area of every organization and every organization should pay more attention to this. Human resources management has a lot of HR function and to do it the right way there should be HR ethics in the organization.

What is a HRM?

Human resource management can be simply defined as managing human resources of the organization to achieve goals and objectives of the organization.

A strategic, integrated and coherent approach to the employment development and well being of the people working in the organization.( Armstrong, 2014).

What is the Meaning of Ethics?

Ethics is defined by the compact Oxford dictionary as being related to moral, treating of moral question' and ethical is defined as relating to morality.

According to Petrick and Quinn, (1997) wrote that ethics is the study of individual and collective moral awareness, judgement, character and conduct.

Ethics and HRM

It is important to understand that Human Resource Management by the nature of its role inside organizations is at the front line of ethics problems on what concerns employees and employers. This is why many companies give HR professionals the role of leadership in establishing and maintaining ethical programs. (Wiley, 2000). Although some activities are outsourced, most HR Managers follow the main stages of an employee’s path in the companies/Organizations: Recruitment and Selection, Reward Management, Performance Appraisal, Career Management and Firing/Separation. (Mercier, 2003).

Professional Human Resource Managers have a responsibility to promote good ethical standards within the organization. It will help to the company in different ways because success of the organization directly depends on its workforce talent. If the organization has ethical issues it will directly affect to employees. In 1992 "Ethical issues in human resource management ''survey five issues were highlighted as follows.

  • Staffing based on favouritism.
  • Sexual Harassment.
  • Using discipline for managerial and non-managerial discipline. 
  • Non-performance factor used in the appraisal.
  • Allowing difference in pay.

Apart from that, there are another so many ethical problems can be identified within the organization.HR manager should try to understand all the ethical issues and sort it out as much as possible. Most of the time HR ethics can be identified when we are doing below-mentioned HR functions and related activities in the organization.

  • Recruitment and selection: This is one of the most important  HR function and when we are doing recruitment we should do it ethically accepted way. Every organization should have recruitment policy and should follow it according to the HR policy manual.

  • Justifiable Treatment: Shouldn't happen any discrimination within the workplace. Have to treat all the employees in an equal manner.

  • Privacy: Keeping the privacy of employees is the most important task in every organization. Should not disclose employees personal information with others. The HR department has a huge responsibility on this because all the details belong to employees have with them. For example salary information, personnel issues.

  • Respect and fairness: Everybody is like to get respect from others and should treat them fairness way. Hence HR department should create the culture in the organization which has respect and fairness.

  • Performance Management: Normally performance management is used by the organization to evaluate employee performance to give annual increment, promotion, training and development requirement identification etc. Unfortunately, most of the organization do not follow this function ethically accepted way. There are so many evidence that most of the employees had face discrimination in the performance management process.

  • Reward Management: Reward management also the most important function and it concern how to reward of employees fairly without any discrimination. The main purpose of every employee in the organization is earning the money from their job. If this not happened fairly it will be a big issue to the company. Hense company should have strategies and policies to implement an ethical reward system.

  • Discipline: Discipline is the must.It can simply be defined as obey the company rules and regulation and punish to correct misconduct. Every organization should have clear disciplinary policy procedures and it should be equal to every person.


Ethics is very important in every organization because of it closely deal with human resource management. Nowadays most of the organization has handed over the responsibility of HR ethics to HR professionals.HR managers are dealing with all the ethical issues in the organization and it will help to the success of the organization. Earlier HRM  has done only administrative and HR functions and because of the popularity of the HR ethics HR Manager acting as ethical agent of the organization. In finally ethics and human resources management has important connection and dealing with ethical problem will be beneficial for the organization.


2.Available at[accessed:31December,2018].
3.Available at[accessed:31December,2018].