Monday, December 31, 2018

How organizational culture effect It's performance.

Every organization has it's owned culture. Performance of the employees of the organization directly depends on its culture. If the organization has a good culture performance of the employees of this will be higher. Nowadays most of the organizations are trying to change its culture up to the favourable level for the purpose of achieving its strategic plan. Organizational culture and the employee's performance has a direct relationship and it has been proved by so many researches past few decades. In addition to that most of the organization are using organizational culture as a measurement tool. It will help to measure the economic performance of the organization. Some authors and researchers have defined organizational culture in different ways.

According to Kotter & Heskett (1992), organizational culture is conceptualized as shared belief and values within the organization pattern of employees. Gordan & Cummins (1979)define organizational culture as the drive that recognized the effort and contribution of the organization members and provides a holistic understanding of what and how is to be achieved, how goals are interrelated and how each employee could attach goals. Hosftede (1980)summarized organizational culture as a collective process of the mind that differentiates the member of one group from the other one. According to the Martias and Terblanahe (2003), culture is deeply associated with values and belief shared by personnel in an organization. Klein et al (1995)positioned organizational culture as the core of organizational activities which has an aggregate impact on its overall effectiveness and the quality of its products and services. Organizational culture is the set of shared values, belief and norms that influence the way employees think feel and behave in the workplace(Schein,2011). Organizational culture has four functions: Gives members a sense of identity, increase their commitment, reinforces organizational values and services as a central mechanism for shaping behaviour (Nelson &Quick,2011)

Organizational Performance

Organization performance can be measured in different ways. It includes Assured quality level, productivity, efficiency, and Profit etc.
According to Richard, (2002) performance is a broader indicator that can include productivity, quality, consistency and so. On the other hand, performance measures can include result, behaviours (criterion-based)and relative (normative) Measures, education and training concept and instrument including management development and leadership training for building necessary skills and attitudes of performance management.

How it affects the performance of the organization

Every leaders and manager should be aware of how to build an effective organizational culture within the company. Because nowadays this is very important to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. Corporate culture can make significant differences in every aspect of the performance, for instance, continuing success, employee development and retention etc.culture is about the people they are the one who can create positive or negative culture. If the company has a strong corporate culture they can attract qualified talented employees to the organization. The success of the company directly depends on its employee's talent and performance. Look at the world leading organization like Google.Google has one of the best HR practices and positive culture comparing with other organization. If the google has job opening more than thousands of application received and applies for the job.Everybody like to workplace like google. Organizational describe about its philosophy and values. Knowing its values very essential for the employees working toward the common goals and objectives. And also organization culture can be used as a control mechanism and that will help to avoid undesired behaviour. In Addition to that positive culture help to making a happy workforce.As we know engage and happy employee is more productive and they can deliver an outstanding result for the organization.


Organizational culture is very important to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. Culture and its effect have a direct relationship. Every employee in the organization should be aware of its cultural values and norms and should work according to that. Every business leaders should have a responsibility to build a positive culture within the organization because it can be delivered an outstanding performance.


Saturday, December 29, 2018

How organizations are getting benefits from Employee engagement

Nowadays Employee engagement is playing a vital role within the organization. Without having good employee engagement company can't achieve its goal and objectives.If the employees engage more with the organization they can deliver an outstanding result. In the other word, we can say high employee engagement level employees are more productive and can be delivered outstanding result than the low level of employee engagement. Employee engagement is a measurement tool of how employees are copping up with their job and working environment. Increasing moral of employees are more important to achieve organizational goals and objectives. Moral of the employees can be built through employee engagement.
Employee engagement has been defined by different authors in different ways and also they have highlighted key characteristics of employees engagements.
Kular et al (2008)explored five key areas; what does employee engagement mean? How can engagement be managed? What are the consequences of engagement for the organization? How does engagement related to another individual characteristic? How is engagement related to employee voice and representation?

According to Kahn (1990)defines employee engagement as "the harnessing of organization members selves to their to their work roles; in engagement, people employ and express themselves physically, cognitively and emotionally during role performance. the cognitive aspect of employee engagement concern employee belief about the organization, it's leaders and working condition. The emotional aspect concerns how employees feel about each of those three factors and whether they have positive or negative attitudes towards the organization and its leaders. The physical aspect of employees engagement concern the physical energies exerted by an individual to accomplish their roles. Thus according to Kahn (1990), engagement means to be psychologically as well as physically present when occupying and performing an organizational role. Engage employees to work with passion and feel a profound connection to their company. They drive innovation and move the organization forward. (Gallup, 2004).
According to (Marco & Sridevi, 2010) make sure to involve the employees show respect for the impact they provide and allow them to participate in the decision making process. This will encourage their investment in the process and as a result, increase their engagement. Most often employee has been defined as an emotional and intellectual commitment to the organization. (baumruk, 2004).According to corporate leadership council (2004) defined employee engagement as "the extent to which employees commit to something or someone in their organization, how hard they work and how long they say as result of that commitments''.
According to Gallup et al (2006) identified key drivers closely related to employees engagement. It can be summarised as follows,

  • Trust and Integrity: Goals and objectives should be communicated to the employees and managers should act according to given words.
  • Nature of the job: Employees should have clear idea of their job-related challenges and face on that challenges they should be motivated.
  • Line of sight between employees performance and company performance. The employee should know how to give their contribution to the company performance.
  • Career growth opportunities: Every employee's career advancement and professional development in their job. Hence they should know the career pathway very clearly.
  • Pride about the company: Everybody is like to work in the reputed esteem company.working with such a company they will get pride.
  • Coworkers /Team Members: Building relationship and mutual understanding are very essential for healthy employee engagement.

Model of Employee Engagement

  • Penna's Highrachical Model 

Pena (2007) has described hierarchical model of employee engagement. This model basically explains find how employees are looking to meaning of work. Penna also explains word of "Meaning" as fulfilment from the job.

source:peenna's (2007)Hierarchical model

  • Robinson's (2004) model-Engagement

Robinson (2006)recommended that there is considerable evidence that many employees are greatly underutilized in the workplace through the lack of involvement in work-based decision.

Source: Robinson (2004)Model

Why Organizations need Engagement

Employee engagement is the mental and emotional relationship of an employee towards his work with positively. Engage employee can deliver the outstanding result to the company and it will help to achieve organizational goals and objectives.

most of the organization are adopting employee engagement because of so many reasons. Employee engagement is creating groundwork that will help organizational leaders and managers to achieve their overall business strategy with the engage employees. Because of this reason, all the leaders must focus on employee engagement programme to build committed and dedicated employees in the organizations.T his also mentioned by Federman(2009) " A roadmap for creating profit optimizing performance and increasing loyalty.

Benefits of employee engagement

  • Enhance the safety of the employees. Dedicated, committed and engaged employees are more concern about their surroundings. According to some research, figure shows that highly engage workplace has a fewer accident.
  • Increase the health condition of the employees. Engage workplace more consider about employees health rather than disengage workplace. Always they try to take care of their employees and continuously looking health condition
  • Employee engagement helps to maintain a happier workplace. Highly engaged organization don't have any issue like stress, peer pressure and termination. Because f this reason everybody can work happily.
  • Employee satisfaction level will increase. Highly engage workplace employees are working very happily. Their satisfactory level is higher than disengage workplace.
  • Engage employees can have a better home life. the person who is engaged with the good experience at engaged workplace they can share with said knowledge with their family.
  • Helped to maintained lower absenteeism and labour turn over of the organization.
  • Employee retention of the organization will increase with the engage workplace.
  • Increase the productivity of the organization and value for the market share.


Employee engagement is how employee positively sees and work in the organization. Nowadays it is very popular because it has a lot of benefits to the organization as well as employees. In the highly engage workplace employees will be treated as king than the other factors. According to Richard Branson, he says If you take care of your employees they will take care of your custormer. Because employees come first.Engage employees can help to the organization to achieve its goals and objectives as well as their strategic plan. In addition to that employee engagement help to achieve competitive advantages and improve the productivity of the organization.


1.Available at[Accessed: 29Decemebr,2018].

2.Available at[Accessed: 29Decemebr,2018].

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Employee Relation and It effects

The ultimate purpose of every organization is achieving its goals and objectives. Every company has its own goals and objectives and it can be summarized are as follows.

  • Increase profit margin
  • increase efficiency 
  • capture bigger market share 
  • provide better customer service
  • Improve employee training etc.
Achieving above mentioned goals and objectives are not so easy without having good and strong employee relation. It means the success of the organization totally depend on good and strong employee relation. Human relation is the most important factor for the success of the organization and as well as employee satisfaction. Employee relation normally focuses on solving the problems within the workplace. Good employee relation enhance the friendly environment within the workplace and it can not be achieved without a hundred per cent commitment of all the employees.

According to Armstrong, (2017) employee relation is the approaches and method adopted by employers to deal with employees either collectively through their trade union or individually.

In general[the employee relation agenda ]is no longer about trade unions. There is more emphasis on direct communication, managing organizational change and involving and motivating staff. Issues about work-life balance and the war for talent reflect a changing workforce with changing expectations(CIPD,2005;pp.3-4)

The employment relationship aspect deal with the role and influence of law which determines the right and responsibilities /rules that govern the behaviour of both employer and employee which has an impact on how the relationship works out. However, in recent years, the newer concept has emerged in human resource management that has considerably changed the relationship that was formally dependent upon the interaction of formal legal regulation.(Bardwell & Claydon ,2007)

According to (Marchington & Wilkinson, 2008) described the management of employee relation as being vital to the success or failure of an organization and it is seen as central to Human Resource Management.

According to (Dawson,1995) acknowledge that the achievement of organizational objectives depends upon employment relation.

Not like past  now a days employee relation has become broader concept .earlier it considered as the relationship between the management and trade union .Now it involves continuously enhancing working environment that will help to fulfil and satisfy requirements of employees and management Good IR system increase the morale of the employees and help to create good culture within the organization. In addition to that, it will build a motivated, efficient workforce and taking consideration of employee participation in the management decision making.

Organization success directly linked with the performance of its workforce. Hence human resource department of the organization should pay their attention way of improving employee performance. The company has to build good relationships with their employees and should be solved employees issues and grievances within a reasonable time. If the employees satisfied with the solution given by the management then the relationship will increase. As I mentioned earlier good IR can build motivated employees that produce an outstanding result for the organization and then it will improve productivity.

Employees satisfaction is more important to build good employee relation in the workplace. Because of that management should have to pay attention to what are the goals and objectives of employees, what are the problem they have and their expectation from the company. Ans also management should be clearly educated what are the organizational goals and objectives and its expectations. There should not be any misunderstood between both management and the employees.employees will be satisfied by good remuneration, safe environment, good working condition, promotion scheme, welfare administration, Good grievance handling system, flexible working hours,  and recognition etc.
Sometimes an organization has barriers and challenges to implement good ER system. For example inadequate remuneration, poor communication, poor information and instructions, weaknesses of leadership styles, poor appraisal system, lack of career path and growth, poor policies and procedures and grievance handling system issues etc. To find out the solution and properly manage of above-mentioned areas are most important to build up good employee relation of the workplace.


Employee relation is very important for every organization to achieve its goals and objectives . productivity and efficiency can be achieved through good employee relation and it will be directly affected for both employees and organization. Sometimes most of the organization has failed to build a good employee relation bucasue of the poor management decision and company policies and procedures. However, building good employee relation is most important nowadays because success and sustainability of the company closely depend on Good ER.  

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Training and Development

We know the value and importance of human resources in the organization. Its totally depend on the talent and skill of the existing workforce in the organization. To maintaining skill full and talented workforce within the organization not so easy task because its a continuous process can be achieved from training and development. Training is defined by different authors in different ways.

Training is delivered by the organization or an external service. According to Henderson (2017) A set of planned activities on the part of an organization to increase job knowledge and skills, or to modify attitude and social behavior to achieve specific ends which are related to a particular job or role.

According to (Ibid) development has been defined as "the continuous improvement of an individuals effectiveness  in term of their role or profession beyond the immediate task or job"

According to the Armstrong (2001), training is systematic development of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required by an individual to perform adequately a given job.

According to Flippo (1984), Training is the act of increasing knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job.

According to Aswathapa (2000), The team training indicates in improving the aptitudes skills, and abilities of the employees to perform specific jobs. training help in updating old talent and developing new ones. Successful candidate placed their duties need the training to perform their duties effectively. 
The main objective of training is maintaining skill, talented and willing workforce within the organization. This will help the company in many ways and success of the company depend on this. Apart from the above mentioned main objective, there are other four objectives  as follows,

Objectives of Training and development

  • Personal /Individual Objectives: Every person has their own goals and objectives. This will help to achieve their personal goals and ultimately it will be positively affected by the organization.
  • Company /Organization Objective: Every company has own vision and mission and also they have well-defined goals and objectives which they want to accomplish.
  • functional /Department Objective: Every organization has department wise goal and objective and finally its connected with organizational goal and objective.
  • Social objective: Every company has a social corporate responsibility to society. They have to do CSR for society and human well being.
In addition to the above four main objectives, there are other additional objectives in the training and development. It can summarize as follows.

  • Systematically transferring the skill among the workforce.
  • To give proper job-related knowledge.
  • cultivate positive attitudes and changing attitude up to the positive level.
  • Improve efficiency and productivity.
  • To improve workplace safety.
  • To improve workplace corporation.
  • To support for the performance appraisal.

Type of training and development  

Most of the organization are using a different type of training and development methods. sometimes it's different to the company to company. Each training and development method have certain advantages and disadvantages. Here with given below a list of different training methods.

Employee Development

Employee Development is one of the most important functions of Human Resource Management. Employee development means to develop the abilities of an individual employee and organization as a whole so; hence employee development consists of individual or employee and overall growth of the employee as when employees of the organization would develop the organization, the organization would be more flourished and the employee performance would increase (Elena P. 2000). Therefore, there is a direct relationship between Employee Development and Employee Performance. As when employees would be more developed, they would be more satisfied with the job, more committed with the job and the performance would be increased. When employee performance would increase, this will lead to organization effectiveness (Champathes, 2006).

Most of the companies are designed employee development programme that will help to employee and organization success. They spend a lot of money on training and development because they know it is an investment and return will be more than what they spend.

  • Coaching: Mainly focus on the development of certain skills of the employees. Skill should be achieved within the given time period.
  • Assessment center and development center: Assesment center is a series of assessment doing by the company using several techniques.DC is only conducted for the development side of the employees. Normally its evaluate employee potentials and strength.
  • Developmental Appraisal: This is the part of employee performance management and ongoing evaluation process planned for throughout the year.
  • Competitive advantage: Most of the companies do not consider employee development and reluctant to spend money on training and development. But large and multinational companies much more consider training and development and they think it as an investment. That's why they achieving competitive advantage.


Employees are the valuable asset of the in every organization and success and failure of the company depend on the performance of the employees. Therefore most of the companies have a huge budget for training and development. Training and development programme enhance employees knowledge and skills. That will help the company in many ways especially in the performance management systems. training and development have a lot of advantages for employees as well as the company. There are so many training and development methods available for companies to build a good talented workforce.

1.Available at,%20Training,%20and%20Development%20in%20Organizations.pdf.[Accessed: 17Decemebr,2018].

2.Available at[Accessed: 17Decemebr,2018].

3.Available  at[Accessed: 17Decemebr,2018].

4.Available at [Accessed: 17Decemebr,2018].

5.Available at[Accessed: 17Decemebr,2018].

6.Available at[Accessed: 18Decemebr,2018].

7.Available at[Accessed: 18Decemebr,2018].

9.Available at[Accessed: 17Decemebr,2018].

10.Available at[Accessed: 20Decemebr,2018].

Monday, December 17, 2018

Employee resourcing and talent management
According to chartered institute for personnel and development (CIPD)  in the UK people resourcing as many people who carry out work for organization are no longer employees is that part of personnel and development which focus on the recruitment and release of individual from from organization ,as well as the management of their performance and potential while employed by the organization.  
According to Pilbeam and Corbridge (2002), ER is effective effective hiring and firing attracting best candidate reducing the staff turn over and improving employee performance are fundamental management function. They are as relevant for a small family business as they are for a major international plc.

According to Taylor (1998) employee resourcing involves staffing (recruitment,selection,retention, and dismissal) performance (performance appraisal and performance management)administrative (policy development, procedural ,development, documentation)and change management.

According to the above mentioned definition employee resourcing is the key area of HRM and it consist  with staffing performance appraisal ,administrative and change management.Staffing describe about recruitment ,selection ,retention and dismissal .Performance describe about performance appraisal and performance management. under the Administrative  part, it describe about policy and procedural development  and documentation.

ER is the first HR function and it can be considered as attraction and acquisition of employees . If we strategically handle  ER we can easily achieve the goals  and objectives of the organization.

Employee resourcing closely deal with key areas of   HR practices and have direct relationship with the performance of the organization.Human resources comes first in every organization comparing with other resources .Because of this reason, reason high performance of the company depend on talent of the human resource and have  to attract and retain quality workforce withing the organization  to achieve its goal and objectives . Key responsibility of every organization is continuously maintaining skill motivated and talented employees withing the organization to add value to the company and external parties.

After the employee resourcing eg. recruitment ,selection  then company have to pay attention on enhancing  talent  of the workforce. employee resourcing and talent management  is  cohere and mutually reinforce and overlapping one another.

According to CIPD (2015), talent management is the systematic attraction ,deployment and development of individual who are particular value to the organization,either because they fulfill critical roles or they possess high future potentials.

Collings and Mellahi (2009)focus on the development of a talent pool of high potential and high performing incumbents who can fill the key positions in the organization and help to deliver sustainable competitive advantage.
Just like ER talent management is very important in the organization aspect because it comprise all of work system in the organization specially in HR that are closely related to retain and developing outstanding talented workforce. 

Talent management pipeline

According to armstrong (2014)he offer a set of element which might support  the talent management pipe line.We can practically use   below mentioned  activities  to maintain talented workforce withing the organization.
  • A resourcing strategy  which is linked with aims of the company.
  • Talent audit.
  • Role flexibility .
  • Building concept of a great place to work(Purcell et al ,2003)
  • performance management processes.
  • A desirable learning and development program.
  • career management and succession planning.
As stated , above strategy and system are directly in the hand of the HR managers.HR department can provide support for new employees as well as old employees to enhance their skills by the training and development  and coaching.And also HR department can lead most of the above mentioned activities especially in the ER.(Employee Resourcing)

In finally  strategy for employee resourcing and talent management mutually support each other and plying together to achieve goals and objectives of the organizations.


1.Available at[Accessed: 17 December,2018].
.Available at[Accessed: 17 December,2018].
3.Available at[Accessed: 17 December,2018].
4..Available at[Accessed: 17 December,2018].
.Available at[Accessed: 17 December,2018].
6. .Available at[Accessed: 17 December,2018].

Monday, December 10, 2018

Introduction to Human Resource Management

Achieving quality of lifestyle is the main goal of every economy of the country. The country is trying to achieve good economic growth and a good lifestyle compared with the previous year. People in the world have unlimited needs and they try to fulfil their needs and wants using services and goods which are produced by the organizations.
The organization can be simply defined as two or more people work together to achieve common goals and objectives. Every organization's ultimate goal is supplying goods and services for people to the fulfilment of their needs and wants. Hence organization in the country plays a vital role and stability of the economy totally depend on good organizations. Organization are using various kind of limited resources to produce their goods and services for society. for example man, money, material, machines, minutes, methods and markets. Those are the resources every organization use to produce goods and services for society. Out of all these resources, Human resource is the most important resource in every organization.

Human resource management

There are so many authors has defined human resource management  like following ways,

"HRM is the distinctive approach to employment management which seek to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment   of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an array of cultural structural and personnel techniques" storey (1995, p.5)  

According to Beer et al. (1984)defined HRM as involving all those managers decisions and actions that affect the nature of the relationship between the organization and the employee.

According to Miller (1987) when he defined HRM as "those decisions and actions which concern the management of employees at all levels in the business and which are related to the implementation of strategies directed towards creating and sustaining competitive advantage"

Human resources is employees who are working in the organization it s a very important resource of every organization comparing with other limited resources.
Comparing with other resources  human resource has unique  qualities  and characteristics,

  • Live and active.
  • the possibility of thinking and reacting.
  • capable of influencing the determination of the cost of human resources.
  • with the passage of time through the experience, training and education value of HR will increase
  • can be organized like unions and groups
  • cannot be forecast
  • creative  
  • Ability to take the decision of other resources.  

Basic HR functions 

Functions of the managers are common most of the small and large-scale organization.The function of the HRM also same most of the organization and it can be summarized as follows.

                                                        Figure: 1 source:

According to the above chart function of the HRM can be divided basically in two-part like managerial function and operative function. Under the managerial function, there are four types of functions like planning, organizing, directing and controlling. Under the operative function, we can identify 5 functions like procurement, development, compensation, integration and maintenance.

Managerial functions and operative functions

Managerial functions have basically four elements like Planning, organizing, directing and controlling. The operative function basically considering various kind of activities that effect for all the areas of the organization. Basically, HR functions are starting with job analysis.JA is a process identify details and information of particular jobs in the organization.
Human resource planning (HRP) identifies the current human resource requirement and the future requirement to achieve organizational goals and objectives. Some companies are preparing HRP beginning of the year to identify their manpower requirement.
Recruitment involves attracting qualified and suitable employees to the organization. Selection discusses interviewing candidates to find out suitable persons for the vacant position of the organization. Placement discusses assigning selected employees for the job at the organization. Induction discusses how to bring the selected employee to the company and way of introducing.In the induction process, we have to give basic information about the company its rules and regulation and information about the jobs.
Employee moving discusses all the transfers and promotion of the employees. The transfer involves shifting employees one job to another job without changing job duties and salary. Promotion involves the upward movement of an employee from one job to another job with new responsibility and higher pay. Demotion involves reverse side of promotion. Separation involves leaving of employees from the organization after several years of the company. In addition to this, there are so many important HR function can identify most of the companies in the world. For example Performance appraisal, training and development, salary administration, welfare administration and social and legal compliance.


1.Available at[Accessed: 11Decemebr,2018].
2.Available at[Accessed: 11Decemebr,2018].
3.Available at[Accessed: 11Decemebr,2018].
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