Sunday, December 23, 2018

Training and Development

We know the value and importance of human resources in the organization. Its totally depend on the talent and skill of the existing workforce in the organization. To maintaining skill full and talented workforce within the organization not so easy task because its a continuous process can be achieved from training and development. Training is defined by different authors in different ways.

Training is delivered by the organization or an external service. According to Henderson (2017) A set of planned activities on the part of an organization to increase job knowledge and skills, or to modify attitude and social behavior to achieve specific ends which are related to a particular job or role.

According to (Ibid) development has been defined as "the continuous improvement of an individuals effectiveness  in term of their role or profession beyond the immediate task or job"

According to the Armstrong (2001), training is systematic development of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required by an individual to perform adequately a given job.

According to Flippo (1984), Training is the act of increasing knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job.

According to Aswathapa (2000), The team training indicates in improving the aptitudes skills, and abilities of the employees to perform specific jobs. training help in updating old talent and developing new ones. Successful candidate placed their duties need the training to perform their duties effectively. 
The main objective of training is maintaining skill, talented and willing workforce within the organization. This will help the company in many ways and success of the company depend on this. Apart from the above mentioned main objective, there are other four objectives  as follows,

Objectives of Training and development

  • Personal /Individual Objectives: Every person has their own goals and objectives. This will help to achieve their personal goals and ultimately it will be positively affected by the organization.
  • Company /Organization Objective: Every company has own vision and mission and also they have well-defined goals and objectives which they want to accomplish.
  • functional /Department Objective: Every organization has department wise goal and objective and finally its connected with organizational goal and objective.
  • Social objective: Every company has a social corporate responsibility to society. They have to do CSR for society and human well being.
In addition to the above four main objectives, there are other additional objectives in the training and development. It can summarize as follows.

  • Systematically transferring the skill among the workforce.
  • To give proper job-related knowledge.
  • cultivate positive attitudes and changing attitude up to the positive level.
  • Improve efficiency and productivity.
  • To improve workplace safety.
  • To improve workplace corporation.
  • To support for the performance appraisal.

Type of training and development  

Most of the organization are using a different type of training and development methods. sometimes it's different to the company to company. Each training and development method have certain advantages and disadvantages. Here with given below a list of different training methods.

Employee Development

Employee Development is one of the most important functions of Human Resource Management. Employee development means to develop the abilities of an individual employee and organization as a whole so; hence employee development consists of individual or employee and overall growth of the employee as when employees of the organization would develop the organization, the organization would be more flourished and the employee performance would increase (Elena P. 2000). Therefore, there is a direct relationship between Employee Development and Employee Performance. As when employees would be more developed, they would be more satisfied with the job, more committed with the job and the performance would be increased. When employee performance would increase, this will lead to organization effectiveness (Champathes, 2006).

Most of the companies are designed employee development programme that will help to employee and organization success. They spend a lot of money on training and development because they know it is an investment and return will be more than what they spend.

  • Coaching: Mainly focus on the development of certain skills of the employees. Skill should be achieved within the given time period.
  • Assessment center and development center: Assesment center is a series of assessment doing by the company using several techniques.DC is only conducted for the development side of the employees. Normally its evaluate employee potentials and strength.
  • Developmental Appraisal: This is the part of employee performance management and ongoing evaluation process planned for throughout the year.
  • Competitive advantage: Most of the companies do not consider employee development and reluctant to spend money on training and development. But large and multinational companies much more consider training and development and they think it as an investment. That's why they achieving competitive advantage.


Employees are the valuable asset of the in every organization and success and failure of the company depend on the performance of the employees. Therefore most of the companies have a huge budget for training and development. Training and development programme enhance employees knowledge and skills. That will help the company in many ways especially in the performance management systems. training and development have a lot of advantages for employees as well as the company. There are so many training and development methods available for companies to build a good talented workforce.

1.Available at,%20Training,%20and%20Development%20in%20Organizations.pdf.[Accessed: 17Decemebr,2018].

2.Available at[Accessed: 17Decemebr,2018].

3.Available  at[Accessed: 17Decemebr,2018].

4.Available at [Accessed: 17Decemebr,2018].

5.Available at[Accessed: 17Decemebr,2018].

6.Available at[Accessed: 18Decemebr,2018].

7.Available at[Accessed: 18Decemebr,2018].

9.Available at[Accessed: 17Decemebr,2018].

10.Available at[Accessed: 20Decemebr,2018].