Monday, December 17, 2018

Employee resourcing and talent management
According to chartered institute for personnel and development (CIPD)  in the UK people resourcing as many people who carry out work for organization are no longer employees is that part of personnel and development which focus on the recruitment and release of individual from from organization ,as well as the management of their performance and potential while employed by the organization.  
According to Pilbeam and Corbridge (2002), ER is effective effective hiring and firing attracting best candidate reducing the staff turn over and improving employee performance are fundamental management function. They are as relevant for a small family business as they are for a major international plc.

According to Taylor (1998) employee resourcing involves staffing (recruitment,selection,retention, and dismissal) performance (performance appraisal and performance management)administrative (policy development, procedural ,development, documentation)and change management.

According to the above mentioned definition employee resourcing is the key area of HRM and it consist  with staffing performance appraisal ,administrative and change management.Staffing describe about recruitment ,selection ,retention and dismissal .Performance describe about performance appraisal and performance management. under the Administrative  part, it describe about policy and procedural development  and documentation.

ER is the first HR function and it can be considered as attraction and acquisition of employees . If we strategically handle  ER we can easily achieve the goals  and objectives of the organization.

Employee resourcing closely deal with key areas of   HR practices and have direct relationship with the performance of the organization.Human resources comes first in every organization comparing with other resources .Because of this reason, reason high performance of the company depend on talent of the human resource and have  to attract and retain quality workforce withing the organization  to achieve its goal and objectives . Key responsibility of every organization is continuously maintaining skill motivated and talented employees withing the organization to add value to the company and external parties.

After the employee resourcing eg. recruitment ,selection  then company have to pay attention on enhancing  talent  of the workforce. employee resourcing and talent management  is  cohere and mutually reinforce and overlapping one another.

According to CIPD (2015), talent management is the systematic attraction ,deployment and development of individual who are particular value to the organization,either because they fulfill critical roles or they possess high future potentials.

Collings and Mellahi (2009)focus on the development of a talent pool of high potential and high performing incumbents who can fill the key positions in the organization and help to deliver sustainable competitive advantage.
Just like ER talent management is very important in the organization aspect because it comprise all of work system in the organization specially in HR that are closely related to retain and developing outstanding talented workforce. 

Talent management pipeline

According to armstrong (2014)he offer a set of element which might support  the talent management pipe line.We can practically use   below mentioned  activities  to maintain talented workforce withing the organization.
  • A resourcing strategy  which is linked with aims of the company.
  • Talent audit.
  • Role flexibility .
  • Building concept of a great place to work(Purcell et al ,2003)
  • performance management processes.
  • A desirable learning and development program.
  • career management and succession planning.
As stated , above strategy and system are directly in the hand of the HR managers.HR department can provide support for new employees as well as old employees to enhance their skills by the training and development  and coaching.And also HR department can lead most of the above mentioned activities especially in the ER.(Employee Resourcing)

In finally  strategy for employee resourcing and talent management mutually support each other and plying together to achieve goals and objectives of the organizations.


1.Available at[Accessed: 17 December,2018].
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